This title reminds me of my very first concert that I ever went to. It was Cool and the Gang and they were in Starkville. It was on a school night because I did everything in my power not to have to go to this concert. It wasn't that I didn't want to go but I was going with two couples, Jima and Tim and Andy and Anita. Going to a concert when you are single, going with two couples and one of those couples being your sister and her boyfriend was not how I wanted to spend my night. But Momma made me go. The night started off kinda rocky when Andy almost back down the hill in our front yard. But I guess it turned in to a good night.
What the title is really about is Phil's birthday. Its not actually until the 25th but because of everything going on this month we celebrated it early. Friday night the 16th we went to Bob and Barbara's and had the Willis party. We always have so much fun when we all get together. We eat what the birthday person wants, they get what ever they want for dessert and then you take your chances when you open up the birthday cards. If its a funny card you HAVE to read it out loud. We have had some FUNNY ones over the years.
Reading birthday cards |
He wanted Lemon Ice Box Pie |
Funny card of the night |
Earlier that day we had all went to WalMart to help Papaw celebrate his retirement. He has been there for 13 years and is having to retire because of his health. If it had been up to him, he would have never left. He really loves his job and the people that he worked with. You could tell from the crowd that greeted him at the door just how much he was loved. They had him a beautiful cake and some going away gifts. It was really a special occasion and I'm glad that we all got to be a part of it.
This is what greeted Papaw when he got to the store. He had not been able to work since Thanksgiving day. He fell that day and hit his head and while he was off of work from that he fell and broke his hip. So he was happy to see all of them and I believe that they were happy to see him also. |
WalMart gave him a beautiful pocket watch. |
His Old Fart hat |
Basket full of goodies |
The man in the blue shirt said the prettiest prayer over Papaw and for Papaw. |
Mr Howard, Store Manager and Papaw |
These two are the biggest buddies. When Papaw was in rehab for his hip, Mr. Howard was out of state with his wife because she was having cancer treatments and he would call Papaw and check on him. He is the nicest man. |
Saturday night we celebrated some more. We had the Steele birthday party at Jason and Amber's. Jima's birthday is on the 17th. Amber and Jason fixed the best supper. Jason is an awesome cook and he grilled some burgers and some of the best squash and zucchini. Amber had fixed a BLT potato salad that was awesome. Of course our entertainment for the night was Little Ms AG.
AG was already enjoying her supper when we arrived. |
Two pretty girls! |
Enjoying her Nilla Wafer |
Rae doing her job for the night. She loved it. AG is lookin awful hard at Uncle Tim. |
What you talkin bout Willis?! |
She loves her Mommy |
The girls |
Jima got a pretty MSU bracelet from Jason, Amber and AG |
Something was funny! |
When I asked Jima what she wanted for her birthday she told me dirt. So we gave her some good ole Auburn dirt (and a Lowe's GC) for her birthday. |
Jordan is an outdoors man 100%. He loves to be outside. I was hoping that we would catch us some catfish to throw on the grill. |
We just partied all weekend and had a great time!