This school year has really been a weird one. It seems like just yesterday we were taking the kids to school for their first day but then the end of the year seemed like it went on FOREVER! Lets just say that Rae's 2nd grade year has not been the best. The first half of the year she really had some problems with reading. She always wanted to "get ahead of herself" when she was reading. She wanted to pay more attention to the pictures than the words. Thankfully with a lot of hard work on her part, her reading has gotten so much better. She will take a book with her just about anywhere we go and read some. I love to read but just never have the time anymore. Rae has made some really good friends this year that I hope she takes with her through out her life. They'res a couple of girls that she talks about all the time, Mallory and Sianna. She really enjoys these girls. Mrs. McCollum and Mrs Harville were her teachers this year and she also had Mrs. Hayes for her Discovery teacher. She got to do alot of neat things in Discovery. They studied the ocean, wrote their autobiographies, learned alot about Japan. They even had a Japanese lunch one day.
Rae and Mrs. McCollum |
Rae and Mrs. Harville |
Rae and Mrs. Hayes |
Brady seemed to really enjoy the 5th grade. Mrs Barton was his homeroom teacher. She is a HUGE Ole Miss fan so she scored major points with Brady when he found that out. Brady has always been a good student. School comes easy for him. He has always been on the all A's honor roll and has come in close to the top of his class every year that he has been in school. During the awards program he was awarded Student of the Month for the month of April. Do you think that he told us he had gotten this? Nope. That is one thing that he has gotten really good at this year, forgetting to tell us stuff or forgetting to bring stuff home.
Brady and Mrs. Barton | | |
Brady getting his awards |
I always try and give the teachers a gift for all their hard work that they do through out the year. This year I made the teachers aprons. I made my sister one for Christmas this last year and she seem to like it so I decided to make one for them. The kids last day of school was on Tuesday the 24th. When did I start sewing? Sunday night the 22nd. I was able to get the first one done really quick but then decided to make a different one for the second apron. I had never made this one before and the online pattern didn't look that bad and it really wasn't but it was more time consuming than the first one. Before I got the second one done we had to go to the ballfield and watch our nephews play ball so it was late when we got back and even later when I stared on the third apron. I wanted to do something different for all the teachers. So the third apron was a combination of the first two. I should have stuck with a pattern that I had made before because when I try to make something without directions it is never good. But in the end it turned out pretty good. It might even be my favorite one of the bunch.
Aprons wrapped and ready to go | |
Rae modeling Mrs. McCollum |
Rae modeling Mrs. Barton |
Rae modeling Mrs. Harvilles. | | | |
All in all the kids had a pretty good school year. But I think that we are all glad that it is finished. We have 9 weeks before school starts back (Can you say earlier and earlier ever year!). So we hope to make the most of the summer. Both kids will be going to church camp this summer-although I'm still not convinced that Rae will go- and I plan on them both doing the summer programs at the library. But for now--SCHOOLS OUT!!!
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