Boy!!!! I was gone a LONG time!! I never meant to stop blogging. I guess life just got in the way.
I hope I can catch up on the last 3 1/2 months.
So here goes with a condensed update.
AG turned 1 on October 14. Jason and Amber had a bday party for her at there house on the deck and they could not have order a prettier day.
Phil and I had the privileged of doing AG's cake.
And if I can brag on us I think that we did a fairly good job. I've learned when we do things like this that its better for me to just listened to Phil and follow his directions cause things always work out better if I do. But don't tell him that cause I don't want him to know that he is usually right.
I think that the birthday girl had a good time. She got lots and lots of great stuff and I think she was the prettiest 1 year old at the party.
Phil and I did another cake (mostly Phil) for Jordan's football homecoming party. Jima had several of Jordan's friends over the Friday of Tupelo's homecoming for supper. Then after that they all went to the game then came back to Jima's for dessert.
Then there was Halloween. Brady and Rae have not dressed up for Halloween in several years. For the last three years our church has had a fall festival on Halloween and we have always worked it. This year was no different. Phil, Barbara, Bob, Adam, Brady and myself worked the ring toss booth. Rae had several friends from school that came so she was playing all night. I think that they said that we had around 800 people that came through the festival!! Each year it seems to get bigger and bigger. This is an awesome outreach program that the church does. It makes me proud to be a small part of this.
Amber let me make AG's Halloween costume this year. I was so happy!! Thankfully it was very simple to make, even for me! The first time she tried it on she wasn't real sure if she liked it or not but thankfully the next time she was ok with being a pretty little ghost.
I think that does it for October!
Rae had a field trip to Memphis with her gifted class. She also had a Dr's appointment that morning in Memphis so we decided to make a day out of it and took the whole family. Everything was great at her Dr's visit. After that we met her class at The Fedex Forum for lunch. I had never been there before. That place is huge. They got to listen to a tour guide tell them about the building then they ate lunch on the steps before they headed to the Orphium. The show at the O was a CSI production. It was an ok show. All the kids seemed to enjoy it but as soon as the lights went out Rae got upset. She is not a fan of the dark. She was sitting on one end of the row with her friends and we were on the other end. She climbed over everyone in the row to get to where Phil and I were.
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Rae and Lindy |
Of course a trip to Memphis is not complete with out a trip to Target. Especially when Mom makes you pose for a picture.
We were trying to get back home so that Rae could get to her first basketball practice of the season. That will be a whole post on its own. Lets just say that her basketball abilities have greatly improved since last year. I guess they both needed a nap from their long hard day.
Just needed a reason to throw in this picture of AG. She's gonna be a reader like alot of other ladies in her family.
I had talked in one of my other post about a Bible study that we had been doing at church called The Table Experience. The end project for The Table Experience was the church's Thanksgiving meal. Every lady that took the class plus several who didn't fixed a table for Thanksgiving. We brought out our best dishes, glasses, silverware, everything that you would need to feed guests at your table. The men of the church provided hams and Phil and I cooked the rest of the meal. It was a great night of fellowship with our church family and everything turned out so pretty.
Saturday before the meal when we went to set up I was walking around looking at all the beautiful tables. One table caught my eye and when I went and looked at it closer the china on the table was the same china that my momma had. I have a setting of mom's china but I have never seen it anywhere else. So was so sweet to see it there. It actually belongs to a teenager in the church whose aunt had given it to her and she was letting her mom use it for the dinner.
Brady had a band concert in November. The 6th grade band is huge! The concert was really good and Brady even had a small solo which he did really well at. For someone who does not practice at all he is really good at the trombone. They also played with the high school band at one of the home football games. They played "Louie Louie" and did a great job. Of course my camera decided it did not want to work right that night so all the pictures that I have are horrible. It was probably more of the operators fault than the camera.
More Later!!!